Welcome! We assume you are here because you are looking for a spiritual director. Finding the right spiritual director can be an overwhelming and bewildering process. We hope you will find our directory of spiritual directors helpful and easy to navigate. Here’s a little information about the spiritual directors below:
We come from a variety of Christian traditions
We are all members of SoulFormation’s Community of Spiritual Directors
For the most part, this means we have completed both the Academy of Spiritual Formation and the School of Spiritual Direction
We are each in spiritual direction ourselves
All are committed to being under supervision
Enter keywords in the search box or search by location on the interactive map by clicking on the map button below. You can always email us. We are happy to help!
Spiritual direction is a ministry dedicated to assisting a person who desires to grow in freedom and grace and to develop greater intimacy with God.
In companionship with the one seeking, a Spiritual Director helps one listen to and detect the Spirit moving in one’s life circumstances. Spiritual direction is an ongoing conversation between you, the director, and the Holy Spirit about how you can know, love, and follow Christ more fully.
A good spiritual director is an excellent listener who knows how to listen to you deeply and fully; who knows how to listen and discern the movement of the Spirit in your life experience and has the ability to help you notice and experience the movement of Spirit in your own life.
They know how to nurture trust and create a safe environment in which you feel you can be transparent and vulnerable in this most sacred part of our life.
Take a little time. Reflect upon what it is that you are really looking for.
Where are you in your relationship with God?
What are your growing edges or areas you want to explore more deeply?
Allow Spirit to bring some clarity to these questions & consider some concrete issues…
Do you want to meet face to face or is phone or zoom ok with you?
Is gender a consideration for you, or a specific religious denomination, or age?
What price point are you comfortable with?
Once you have some clarity in these areas look over the list on this web page and choose two or three that seem like a good fit for you. Call or email them and ask for an initial consultation. Generally this would be a free meeting. After the meeting take some time to prayerfully discern who you might want to work with. Contact your choice and get started!